The mission of the Live.Wag.BARK! Foundation is to educate pet owners on responsible pet ownership. Although there are many organizations helping animals in need, that doesn’t solve the actual problem of poor pet care.
We believe the best way to educate those without resources taking the information to them and be as hands on as possible. By partnering with local animal rescues, city animal control, dog trainers and groomers, we will show pet owners how to build a bond with their pet, understand their behavior and give them tools to help their pet live a long happy and healthy life.
Whether your dog needs more exercise, you are not physically able or you just do not have time. Once a day to 3 times a day. A drop in or a long walk. Our dog walking program is perfect for you.
Regular bathing and nail trims are important for our pets health. Inquire about our grooming service to rid your dog of fleas or remove matted fur.
Let us help you decide what type, size or age of pet to add to your family. If you are having a difficult time caring for your current pet, we can meet in person or virtually to discuss solutions.
Sometimes you need to getaway to a place that your pet can't travel to. Trust us to give them a home away from home. We offer flexible options to fit your pets needs.

Our Community

Largest and Smallest Dog contest winners at Pints for Paws CLT 2017

LWBF Volunteer at the Knights Baseball Bark In The Ballpark 2017

Our Pints For Paws CLT 2017 Silver Sponsor took beautiful portrait photos of attendees

Rocky and his sister Lexi were our first grooming clients. We enjoyed loving on them for the day!

Laquita and Yoshi supporting responsible pet parenting

1st Annual Pints For Paws CLT 2016 Attendee

They helped us re-home Coco's puppies. Beauty and Blessings is what we called them. Although I became attached to them, I was reminded of the costs and responsibility of having what would have been 4 dogs. With no transportantion or knowledge of online sites to find good homes for them, I was thankful for their help in transporting the girls to an animal rescue.
Charlotte, NC